29 novembre 2006

Basic Marketing Tools

Apologies for the delay in posting -- my life has been a bit mad of late.

I promised you a brief primer of sorts on inexpensive -- sometimes free -- marketing tools for the aspiring romance writer*, and to start I've chosen Basecamp.

Basecamp is not, strictly speaking, a marketing tool. It is, rather, one for collaboration. However, it is extremely useful for writers as, among other things, it allows you to save your work remotely and to make it available for comment by others. It automatically records edits as well so you can compare versions of a book/chapter or revert to previous versions.

You can also make to-do lists, set milestones for yourself, leave messages for others, and chat with other users.

Not only can you refer any crit partners (or AFL alums) to your very own project webpage, but also all those published authors and editors you meet at various conferences and meetings! (NB: You cannot hide individual versions of a Writeboard -- where you post the content of your work -- so if you give someone access to a Writeboard, they will have access to all previous versions as well.)

Rather than walk you through the entire process, I'll refer you to the website which provides an excellent set of dummy-proof tutorials on how to get started.

Let me know what you think!

NB: I am in no way affiliated with any of the services I'll be discussing, but rather have used them in the past (either in a personal or professional context) and have found them useful. As a result, I cannot take responsibility for any of their services or content!

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