18 décembre 2006

Reimagining the Past

Do you ever reimagine past experiences you have had, indulge in a creatively-driven form of "redecision therapy" as you compose a story?

To be more specific, have you ever passed up an opportunity and then built a story around the "what if" of having seized that opportunity?

What if you had been less afraid?

What if you'd expressed how you really felt?

What if you had allowed your heart to rule your head (or your head your heart)?

I'm toying with something of the sort at the moment and was just curious to know if and how anyone else had taken those "if only I'd..." fantasies into the realm of fiction.

So, tell me. Have you ever taken a situation from your own experience, peopled it with characters of your own devising and then seen how it played itself out?


At 18:05, Blogger Beverley Kendall said...

I haven't yet but one day I will. Last year my friends at work kept telling me I had to write a book about my life because it what was happening was all so dramatic and unbelievable. One day I just might. :)

At 21:29, Blogger Pam Skochinski said...

I haven't. . . my life is to terribly boring to make a book about. Yawn!

At 10:25, Blogger lacey kaye said...

Oh, abso-friggin-lutely. All the time. Even if I just decide they do what I wouldn't do, it's still me in there!

At 14:12, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm a bit late to the party, but I've brought a present.

Elizabeth Boyle's latest book, His Mistress By Morning, has this sort of premise. A straight-laced "invisible" girl who's hopelessly in love with her friend's brother wakes up (after a bit of magic) to find he loves her too... but she's his mistress. What she learns in her altered universe when she's back to normal helps secure her future. So basically she gets to have her cake and eat it too!

I think all of us carry "coulda, shoulda, woulda" thoughts around, but for the most part I'm happy with the choices I've made.

I've got a new blog. Come visit!


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