Avon FanLit - FIN
Submissions for the sixth and final chapter of the Avon FanLit novella close in one hour.
After not having the time to write a chapter 5 submission last weekend, I did really make the effort to finish something for this last round, but it was not to be.
Everything I wrote, to quote "Gosford Park," bored me "to sobs." After tying up the final explicit loose end, I was completely spent.
I couldn't care less why these two twits supposedly loved one another or why, if they did, they were such dolts as to spend the past three years apart without making any effort to contact the other beyond sending off a note or two. I tried and tried to fabricate some final scene, but could only manage 4000 characters in a chapter with a 8500 character limit. Unable to advance, I hoisted my white flag.
As a writer, I do feel well rid of them; however, I am looking forward to reading what others have devised. Light and frothy is not my strength in any case -- at least not sustained lightness and frothiness. There are those in the contest much more adept at it than I, and to them I defer.
Libellés : Avon FanLit, Romance Writing